
All the latest breaking news on Mortgages. Browse The Coco complete collection of articles on Mortgage gravida, mauris justo lacinia ipsucorper metus lacus a ipsum.

Savings or Debt?

Savings Or Debt: Which Should You Prioritize? It seems like an impossible task to save while paying off your debts, especially when you are on a limited budget and have to decide which one to prioritize. Here are some considerations to help you decide which one to prioritize, as well as how you can prioritize […]

Top 7 Financial Planning Tips For Young Employees

Financial Planning Tips Proper financial planning can help you prepare for your future. For unexpected expenses, getting an employee loan is a good option. Having a stable source of income can help young employees get started on their road to financial security. However, this journey can be challenging. People working for a long time know […]

Financial Hardships? How Employee Loan Can Help

When it comes to business, employees are among a company’s biggest assets. So, it is important to provide assistance and support when they need financial help. Financial hardships are not uncommon. In fact, around 78% of American workers are living paycheck to paycheck. Turning to lenders is one of the solutions that people often think of. However, […]

Financial Wellness: Its Importance And How To Achieve It

Importance Of Financial Wellness And How To Achieve It Though you may not be aware, financial wellness goal that you like most of us, are struggling to achieve. Let’s talk about why financial wellness is important and how you can achieve it with our Access Loans employee loan programs and some tips. Why Do You […]

How To Make Your Money Last After Retirement

How To Make Your Money Last After Retirement The average lifespan in the US is around 78 years old*, which means that you will need to support yourself on your post-retirement income for close to two decades. The challenge for retired federal employees, then, is how to stretch their money. Our ACESS LOANS™ products have […]

Personal Finance Tips That Will Change Your Approach To Life

Personal Finance Tips That Will Change Your Approach To Life Does financial stability often feel like a distant dream? You can make this dream a reality by changing the way you view and handle your finances with these tips from our Access Loans™ products. Personal Finance Tips To Change Your Attitude Love Yourself First You […]

4 Ways To Borrow Money When You’re Retired

4 Ways To Borrow Money When You’re Retired Ideally, retirement should be about relaxing, traveling, and all types of leisure activities. However, some federal employees sometimes find themselves in a financial crisis due to unexpected expenses. If you find yourself needing extra money post-retirement, you may want to consider a loan. Is It Possible For […]

Federal Employees, Are You In The Right Financial Position To Retire?

Federal Employees, Are You In The Right Financial Position To Retire? After decades of working, you surely have been coveting retirement. Retirement is an important milestone that the smartest employees prepare for in their youth. Check out if you’re really ready for retirement. And, if you’re not yet 100% ready, read on to see how […]

Most Common Mistakes Federal Employees Make in Retirement Planning

Common Mistakes Federal Employees Make in Retirement Planning Federal employees enjoy unique, sometimes better, benefits than other non-public sector employees. Make sure you take full advantage pf your federal benefits by planning for retirement adequately. If you want to live a happy and comfortable life post-retirement, avoid these crucial mistakes. 4 Common Federal Employee Retirement […]

Money Management Tips for Young Adults

Money Management Tips for Young Adults 5 Crucial Personal Finance Tips for Generation Z Want to set yourself up for financial success? Start as early as now with these 5 money management tips for young adults. Gen Z has officially started entering the workforce. Similar to the previous generation of millennials, Gen Z carries with […]

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The information contained herein is based on publicly available sources believed to be reliable but not a representation, expressed or implied, as to its accuracy, completeness, or correctness and it is not a replacement for the guidance or professional advice of an accountant, certified financial advisor, or otherwise qualified professional. No information available through this communication is intended or should be construed as any advice, recommendation, or endorsement from us as to any legal, tax, investment, or other matters.
Nothing in this communication shall be considered a solicitation or offer to buy or sell any security, future, option, or other financial instrument or to offer or provide any investment advice or service to any person in any jurisdiction. Nothing contained in this communication constitutes investment advice or offers any opinion with respect to the suitability of any security.
This information has no regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation, and particular needs of any specific recipient. We recommend that you never provide a third party with names, account numbers, or other sensitive information unless you are certain that it has a legitimate business purpose. * ACCESS LOANS™ products are funded and serviced by Safra National Bank of New York (“SNBNY”).