
Four Tips to Save Money When You Are Broke

Four Tips To Save More Even When Money Is Tight

With inflation rates rising as a result of COVID, Americans are starting to feel the pinch. However, that doesn’t mean that your savings goals have to be put on the backburner.

Saving for the future when money is tight can be very challenging. Your immediate needs can sometimes outweigh the future wants. You cannot control inflation. However, with some financial planning and adjustments to your budget, you can still achieve your savings goals. Here are four tips that can help you save even when money is tight.

  1. Setting A Minimum Amount For Savings

One of the most common myth is that you should set a maximum amount for your savings. However, if you can only afford to save a few dollars you should definitely take advantage or the opportunity. A few dollars saved here and there, can add up over time to a much larger amount. Also, keep in mind that most loan-term savings vehicles earn interest. The more money you put in, the more you earn. So even if you have $5 to save per week, do it.

  1. Adjust Your Budget

Flexibility is key when it comes to uncertain financial times. When the cost of living increases, your spending cost increases so your normal budget may not be adequate. Take some time to sit down and frequently review your budget. Make adjustment to offset the increases in your spending. Regular adjustments can help you stay on target with your savings goal.

  1. Track Your Spending

The best way to build to achieve your savings goals is to understand your spending compared to your income. There are many helpful and easy ways to track your spending. Tracking your spending can help you identify areas where you are wasting money. For example, you may be paying for services you don’t use, or paying too much for a service that you can get for less.

  1. Consolidate Your Debt

Debt can be very expensive. Many lenders and credit card companies charge very high rates for interest. They also often stack the fees and charge a lot for late payments. In some cases, borrowers can end up paying more in interest, fees, and fines, than the total amount they borrowed. Consolidating debt with our Access Loans product can help you avoid paying all these expensive fees.